reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


  474   Expected(OtherT &&Val,
  475            typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<OtherT, T>::value>::type
  483     new (getStorage()) storage_type(std::forward<OtherT>(Val));
   72     constexpr _Tp&&
   73     forward(typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type& __t) noexcept
   83     constexpr _Tp&&
   84     forward(typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type&& __t) noexcept
   98     move(_Tp&& __t) noexcept
   91     : is_trivially_copyable<_Tp>::type
  110       _Tp&
  115       const _Tp&
  161 	(__is_location_invariant<_Functor>::value
  162 	 && sizeof(_Functor) <= _M_max_size
  163 	 && __alignof__(_Functor) <= _M_max_align
  164 	 && (_M_max_align % __alignof__(_Functor) == 0));
  169 	static _Functor*
  172 	  const _Functor* __ptr =
  173 	    __stored_locally? std::__addressof(__source._M_access<_Functor>())
  174 	    /* have stored a pointer */ : __source._M_access<_Functor*>();
  191 	  __dest._M_access<_Functor*>() =
  192 	    new _Functor(*__source._M_access<_Functor*>());
  192 	    new _Functor(*__source._M_access<_Functor*>());
  207 	  delete __victim._M_access<_Functor*>();
  223 	      __dest._M_access<_Functor*>() = _M_get_pointer(__source);
  238 	_M_init_functor(_Any_data& __functor, _Functor&& __f)
  258 	  _M_not_empty_function(const _Tp&)
  263 	_M_init_functor(_Any_data& __functor, _Functor&& __f, true_type)
  267 	_M_init_functor(_Any_data& __functor, _Functor&& __f, false_type)
  268 	{ __functor._M_access<_Functor*>() = new _Functor(std::move(__f)); }
  268 	{ __functor._M_access<_Functor*>() = new _Functor(std::move(__f)); }
  293     : public _Function_base::_Base_manager<_Functor>
  295       typedef _Function_base::_Base_manager<_Functor> _Base;
  465 	function(_Functor);
  689 	typedef _Function_handler<_Res(_ArgTypes...), _Functor> _My_handler;
  215     : public __is_void_helper<typename remove_cv<_Tp>::type>::type
  417 				typename remove_cv<_Tp>::type>::type
  432 				typename remove_cv<_Tp>::type>::type
  581     : public __or_<is_lvalue_reference<_Tp>,
  582                    is_rvalue_reference<_Tp>>::type
  601     : public __not_<__or_<is_function<_Tp>, is_reference<_Tp>,
  601     : public __not_<__or_<is_function<_Tp>, is_reference<_Tp>,
  602                           is_void<_Tp>>>::type
  638     : public __or_<is_object<_Tp>, is_reference<_Tp>>::type
  638     : public __or_<is_object<_Tp>, is_reference<_Tp>>::type
  762     typename add_rvalue_reference<_Tp>::type declval() noexcept;
 1538       typedef decltype(__test<_From, _To>(0)) type;
 1545     : public __is_convertible_helper<_From, _To>::type
 1554     { typedef _Tp     type; };
 1563     { typedef _Tp     type; };
 1574       remove_const<typename remove_volatile<_Tp>::type>::type     type;
 1629     { typedef _Tp   type; };
 1633     { typedef _Tp   type; };
 1659     { typedef _Tp&&   type; };
 1664     : public __add_rvalue_reference_helper<_Tp>